Your Benefit

What our great great grandmothers recognized as food, Pavitram has reinvented the same in the format in which our young generation recognize as food to give a healthy competition to junk food. Pavitram was established with the aim of "Catering to your taste buds". With our mouth watering products we have specially crafted the traditional Indian legacy of various combination of foods from various types of fiber rich flours, rice, herbs, spices, jaggery, dry fruits, dates, leafy and green vegetables etc. for the health-conscious generation of today.

Our Approach

We believe that a recipe has no soul. We, as the cook must bring soul to the recipe. So our each item recipe is crafted to create Nourishment for the Soul. At the pavitram, you can experience the fusion of variety of Indian and Continental vegetarian healthy food to satisfy your taste bud. Relish the taste of mouth-watering Indian Savouries which are not only delicious but also reflects our culture, traditions and make it source of enjoyment for your loved ones.

Indian Food

भारतीय भोजन पद्धति की अपनी एक विशिष्टता है| इसी कारण से आज संसार के सभी बड़े देशो में भारतीय भोजनालय पाये जाते हे जो की अत्यंत लोकप्रिय है| विदेशो में प्रायः सप्ताहांत अथवा अवकाशों पर भोजन के लिए लोग भारतीय भोजनालयो में जाना अधिक पसंद करते है| स्वादिष्ट खाना बनाना एक कला है, इसी कारणवश भारतीय संस्कृति में इसे पाक कला कहा जाता है| भारतीय भोजन विभिन्न प्रकार की पाक कलाओ का संगम है|

युवा आज भारतीय भोजन एवं पोष्टिक आहार से दूर होते जा रहे है|

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Take Away & Home Delivery

How Our Delivery Service Works:

1.   Once you've placed your order, our dedicated delivery specialist will provide you
       a confirmation for your order when it is ready to be dispatched as per your exact
       timings for the delivery.
2.   Accordingly our delivery boy would deliver the food items at your door step along
       with a bill, which must be paid to him in Cash (Exact Change is appreciated).
3.   Then after the order has been delivered you will receive an acknowledgement
       regarding the same.

      To get started, just call us at +91-8963000404